Denali Cansmart met enkele kanaal functionaliteit, coming soon!

There is plenty of movement in the world of Cansmarts, Hexcans and Motocan's. Innovations continue to follow each other in rapid succession, and beautiful developments are also underway at Denali. As a dealer, we have direct contact with Denali and actively play a role in sharing customer feedback. In this way, we try to contribute to improvements and new solutions.

Denali DNL.WHS.11602 Denali CANsmart™ Controller GEN II for the BMW R 1200 LC and R 1250 Cansmart

An interesting topic that has been around for some time is the desire to control different lights through one channel. Lone Rider is a pioneer in this area, but their solution is limited to their own lamps. Herein lies a great opportunity for Denali: according to reliable sources, they are working hard on a similar, but more importantly better solution that will be compatible with all their products. What is unique about Denali is that they strive for broad applicability and functionality, regardless of which products you use.

Denali DNL.WHS.11602 Denali CANsmart™ Controller GEN II for the BMW R 1200 LC and R 1250 Cansmart

What we already know for sure is that the Cansmart Gen 2 itself is technically prepared for this new functionality. The biggest challenge is in the software modifications needed to make this possible. While there is much speculation about a possible release date, there is no concrete information about this at this time. What is clear is: Denali is working on something big.

For us as dealers, it's great to see how Denali listens to feedback and translates it into practical innovations. We will continue to follow this process closely and keep you posted on further developments. Do you have your own ideas or questions about the Cansmart or other Denali products? Let us know, we'd love to hear from you!

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